Tips for Managing a Car Accident

Managing a car accident can be a heavy burden to shoulder. This is especially true without an attorney by your side to help with the claims process. Here are tips for accident victims who have been faced with a car accident:

Tip #1 Check Yourself for Injuries

In the wake of a car accident, it’s likely that a victim will feel disoriented. Adrenaline will be pumping and you will likely be in shock. If at all possible, slow yourself down and check yourself for injuries that you may need to have checked out by a car accident doctor Wheaton, MD offers. Always contact law enforcement and emergency services for help.

Tip #2 Call 911

Call emergency services to ensure that first responders arrive to the scene as quickly as possible. In some cases, their swift response can be crucial to receiving the immediate support you need. Law enforcement and medical professionals play a key role in investigating the scene and administering medical treatment to victims.

Tip #3 Get Medical Care

If the accident isn’t severe enough to warrant the presence of EMTs, always obtain medical treatment as soon as possible. Not only will it be important in ensuring that you receive the care you are in need of, it can be crucial. In some cases, the most severe injuries may not be obvious or present themselves right away. Additionally, documents produced from medical treatment will be key when pursuing an accident claim.

Tip #4 Gather Evidence

Pull together as much evidence as you possibly can. This will be an important factor in proving your case:

  • Medical Documentation
  • Police Reports
  • Witness Information
  • Driver’s Information
  • Photographs of Injuries
  • Photographs of the Accident

Tip #5 Don’t Take the Blame

Whether you are speaking with law enforcement, the other driver or an insurance adjuster, always be on guard. Admitting any sort of fault to an accident before you have spoken with an attorney could impact your accident claim.

Tip #6 Initiate the Claims Process

Notify your insurance company to communicate with them that you have been in a car accident. It’s important that you contact your own insurance company so that they are aware of the accident, even if you were not at fault. This can also be key in the event you are implicated to be at fault for the accident in any way. An attorney can be supportive in helping you navigate this and sending a demand letter for damages.

Tip #7 Contact an Attorney

An attorney can help you to manage your case and maximize the likelihood of the settlement you may be entitled to. The process of pursuing a car accident claim can be difficult, especially without legal guidance. An attorney can take the lead by helping you to gather the evidence needed to build a strong case and manage negotiations for you so that you are able to focus on your recovery.

Tip #8 Have Your Wits About You When Speaking with Insurance Adjusters

It can be easy to implicate yourself or say something that can be held against you. If you are medicated during your recovery, it may not be a good idea to give a statement just yet, or even at all. Attorneys can do the heavy lifting for you.

Tip #9 Do Not Accept the First Settlement Offer

In most cases, the first settlement offer should be viewed as a jumping off point. Insurance companies will be looking to save as much money as possible when it comes to a settlement. Many victims pursuing a case without legal counsel may take the first settlement offered. In many cases, it may be possible to negotiate a settlement that more closely mirrors the damages you have suffered.

Have you recently been injured at the hands of another driver? The period after an accident can be not only confusing but overwhelming. Contact an attorney for help.

Thank you to our friends at AmeriWell Clinics for their insight into chiropractic treatments and car accident injuries.


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