Doctor handling bandaged knee
18 Mar

What Kind of Foods Can Help Aid in Managing Knee Pain? 

There are many different things you can do to help knee pain. The first step should always be to see an experienced orthopedic knee doctor, like one from Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania. He or she may recommend that you try doing physical therapy, take certain medications, or even try Western medicine like Acupuncture and taking herbal supplements. Your doctor also may recommend implementing certain stretches and gentle exercises into your daily routine so that you can take care of your knees and reduce the amount of pain you have been having. There are certain foods that can help with pain and inflammation. Here are a few foods that you may want to try to see if they reduce pain and swelling. 

Taking Collagen Supplements

Collagen can be important in lubricating the joints. It plays a big role in joint health, and you can purchase powders to add to coffee, smoothies, or even just to water to help with your health. This can be something great to help your knees, and may also even help with your hair, skin, and nails as well. There should be no harm in trying collagen as an option to support knee health. 

Foods that Are High in Antioxidants

Foods that are high in antioxidants, such as blueberries, can be incredibly helpful in promoting good health and healing. These can be found in many different fruits and vegetables, so you should look into antioxidant rich produce to add to your diet. 

Fatty Fish

Omega fatty acids are also amazing at promoting joint health. You can take a supplement, but should also get natural sources such as from wild salmon and fish. It is important to try to get wild caught fish, as they are typically much higher in nutrients than farmed fish are. 


It is important to eat foods that are high in healthy fats to help facilitate your joint movement. These can be great at promoting healthy joints and lessening the effects of arthritis. 

Contact an Orthopedic Knee Doctor Today

You should reach out to an experienced orthopedic knee doctor at the first sign of pain. He or she can evaluate you to determine what is wrong with your body and help come up with a plan to promote healing. He or she will want what is best for you and can suggest options for treatment. Your doctor may even send you to a nutritionist so that you can begin eating better and even figure out a way to lose weight, if necessary. This can also take pressure off of the joints, which can be helpful in healing from arthritis or knee pain. 

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