The brain is one of our body’s most complex areas. So is it any wonder Traumautic Brain Injury (TBI) does not always show up on standard medical tests. Medical breakthroughs are being made every day, and today’s advanced technology allows doctors to detect and treat previously undetectable TBI.
That also means that TBI can be proved in court so that you can get the compensation you need to pay for the best treatments and have the best hope of a full recovery. However, you need to work with an attorney that understands brain injury and has experience with brain injury cases in order to gain access to the right specialists and tests. Here at BACKLINK one of our staff has advanced training in Neuropsychiatry and worked in psychiatry for over a decade.
The quality of your treatment and the gradual pace of recovery can quickly add up to large bills. While the most advanced treatments for TBI come at a high initial price, they are the best chance for a full or partial recovery and a reduced need for long-term care. In fact, the right treatment could even mean that you will be able to return to your career and, function well in daily tasks.
The outward signs of TBI are not always clear and visible. Symptoms can come and go, and most TBI survivors have symptoms with physical and behavioral effects. This is confusing to victims and their loved ones. It can make it impossible to hold down a job, even when the good days are very good.
Radical personality changes, unexplainable emotional outbursts, and even sudden blackouts can be frightening for TBI survivors and those around them. When TBI has gone undiagnosed, some survivors believe they have “lookalike” disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or aphasia.
More than half of all TBI survivors will develop epilepsy, putting them at risk for more accidents and injuries. This seizure disorder can lead to dizziness, and loss of coordination as well as falls. Unfortunately falls related to a loss of consciousness can worsen the head trauma.
For these reasons, it is very important to get quality assessment and care. Seek several opinions.
Some professionals to consider being treated by include: Chiropractors, Neuropsychologists, Psychiatrists, Neurologists. Some cities even have specialty Concussion Clinics.
TBI can also affect your ability to concentrate and your memory. Some of these problems can be offset by learning coping skills. Many people get back to a normal way of life by implementing elaborate reminder systems.
If you have been told that you suffered a “mild” brain injury do not be misled. When the term “mild” is used it is referring to the rating on the Glasgow Coma Scale between 13 to 15. This scale measures the initial assault on the brain and basically tells you how long you were out. In the range of 9 to 12, is classified as Moderate Brain Injury. Scores of 8 or below are considered Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Regardless of your rating on these scales, your injury may have devastating long-term consequences. That is why it is so important to get the compensation you deserve for the injury. More resources often lead to higher quality healthcare.
If you or a loved one has experienced a Traumatic Brain Injury, please contact a skilled personal injury lawyer Chicago IL trusted today.
Thanks to our friend and contributor from The Law Offices of Konrad Sherinian for their insight into TBI cases.