Dental Injuries As a Result of An Auto Accident

Dental Injuries As a Result of An Auto Accident As a car accident lawyer DC residents can trust, Car Accident Lawyer DC is no stranger to seeing clients that have suffered a dental injury as a result of an auto accident. While not generally the injury most imagine after car accidents, dental injuries can be just as damaging — and costly.

Hundreds of crashes occur every year in and around the Washington DC metro area. Many of these accidents result in catastrophic injuries. If you’ve recently been injured in a car accident and you’re looking for a reliable and knowledge car accident lawyer DC drivers turn to for dental injury claims, Car Accident Lawyer DC should be your first call.

A Collision Could Change Everything

Head-on collisions are typically the types of crashes that lead to injuries to the face, neck, and teeth. Regardless of the type of accident, injuries to the face can be very traumatic; not only from a physical standpoint, but emotionally as well. Not to mention, the financial cost of getting these injuries treated and/or fixed cosmetically can be very high. If you’re looking for a car accident lawyer DC drivers trust for facial injuries, one of the most common reasons why accident victims pursue injury settlements is to cover the costs of treating and healing these injuries.

Common Types of Facial Injuries and Dental Injuries

Dental injuries resulting from car accidents can be very severe, even if the crash itself is very minor. Whiplash resulting from a small fender bender can easily lead to cracked and chipped teeth — and this is just the beginning.

Other common injuries affecting a person’s dental health can include:

  • Fractured or broken lower jawbone (mandible)
  • Fractured or broken upper jawbone (maxilla)
  • Broken nose
  • Fractured cheekbones (zygomas)
  • Lacerations and/or bruising to the lips, tongue, and inner cheeks
  • Persistent toothaches
  • Persistent migraines
  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems resulting from misaligned teeth

Dental injuries specifically related to the teeth can be very traumatic, painful, and expensive to treat. In addition to finding a car accident lawyer in DC, you may need to see a professional dentist for a dental examination if you believe you’ve experienced any of the following:

  • Avulsed tooth: When a tooth is completely knocked out of the socket with the roots attached. It’s possible to “reattach” this tooth if a dentist tends to the injury immediately, but after a few hours of being separated from the jawbone, there is little chance that the original tooth can be reattached.
  • Luxated tooth: This is a tooth that has been loosened in its socket but not knocked out completely. A dentist may need to tend to this injury so that the tooth can be positioned in the socket correctly.
  • Fractured tooth: There are a few different classifications for fractured teeth, and in most cases, these can be repaired or replaced. Even a small fracture can be very painful, especially if the crack extends to the root.

If you’ve sustained any of these dental injuries, it’s important to see a dental professional who can assess the damage and provide any necessary emergency treatments. It’s important to remember, too, that dental injuries may not present themselves immediately after an accident. It’s common for accident victims to search for a car accident lawyer DC can provide months after an accident has occurred, but remember that most states have a statute of limitations prohibiting injury lawsuits from being filed too long after an accident has occurred.

Car Accident Lawyer DC: Your DC Car Accident Lawyers

If you have any questions about possibly filing an injury lawsuit for dental-related car accident injuries, contact our firm today to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our lawyers. We understand that dental injuries can be very traumatic and expensive, and we aim to provide accident victims with every penny of financial compensation possible.
When you need a car accident lawyer DC residents can rely upon for dental injury cases, the legal team at Car Accident Lawyer DC is here to help.

A huge thank you to our friends at Alliance Dentistry for their contribution to our look into dental injuries as a result of car accidents.

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