How to Communicate with the Other Driver Amidst an Accident

How to Communicate with the Other Driver Amidst an Accident Being in a car accident can be unexpected and completely ruin a person’s day, especially if there were substantial damages involved. When one driver hits another, getting out of the car and having a conversation can be awkward. There is likely to be plenty of frustration, anger and an urge to start blaming each other. Things may become even more heated if one person suffered severe injuries as a result of the collision. Having to deal with the costs associated with medical bills and vehicle repairs can cause a substantial amount of stress.
Here in this article, we have answered a few questions about how to handle talking with the other driver after a collision arises. Remember that your health comes first, so do not hesitate to call for an ambulance if you just don’t feel quite right.

What if the driver is acting volatile towards me?

If you at any point feel threatened by the other driver, call the police and let the operator know about the hostile situation. If you feel seriously at risk of harm, get back into your car or create distance between you and the other person. Especially if the accident caused severe damage, things can become problematic very quickly.

What details should I gather from the other driver?

When exchanging information with the driver, avoid talking about who was at-fault for the collision. Never say you are sorry, as this suggests you were responsible for the crash. Even if you feel you were the person who caused the collision, there may have been contributing factors you are not aware of yet. Focus on getting the person’s information, including these details:

  1. Full Name
  2. Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. Driver’s License Number
  5. Insurance Company Name
  6. License Plate Number
  7. Car Make, Color, Model & Year

If witnesses saw the crash happen, should I ask for their information?

If people nearby had seen the accident occur, you may want to politely ask if they are willing to give you their contact information. You do not have to worry about getting a statement from them while at the scene. If you end up meeting with an attorney, he or she can reach out to this witness if needed for your case.

When should I consider getting help from an attorney?

If you suffered financial losses and injuries because of the accident, you may want to consider meeting with an attorney. Depending on how the crash occurred, you may be able to file a civil lawsuit against the driver at-fault for compensation. When meeting with a legal professional, the more information you have about the accident the more thoroughly an attorney, like a personal injury lawyer Loveland, CO trusts, can evaluate your situation. Examples of things you may want to bring along for your appointment include:

  • Copies of medical bills owed
  • Receipts for out-of-pocket expenses
  • Incident report of accident
  • Pictures of vehicle damages and injuries
  • Witness contacts
  • Loss of pay due to missing work for recovery
  • Estimates for vehicle repair
  • The other driver’s information

Cannon, Hadfield, Stieben & Doutt, LLC

Credit to our contributors from Cannon, Hadfield, Stieben & Doutt, LLC for their insight into car accident cases.

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